The Rev. Anne Wichelns, rector

Phone: 315-350-4844
Office hours: 9:30 a.m. to noon Wednesday and Thursday or by appointment

Anne was ordained to the priesthood in 2007 and has been our priest since 2015. She previously taught high school English. She and her husband, Jerry, are co-vicars at St. Andrews Shared Presbyterian/Episcopal Ministry in Evans Mills, New York. She likes to swim, camp, sing, read, and visit her children and grandchildren.

Doren Norfleet, senior warden

Phone: 315-342-0457

As senior warden, Doren supports Mother Anne.

erik filkins, Junior Warden

Phone: 315-312-0144

As junior warden, Erik assists with administrative responsibilities of the church.


A board called the vestry governs our church. The congregation elects its nine members to three-year terms. Vestry members work on organization and planning and manage resources and finances.

Class of 2024: Pam Watters, Sam Linn, Nick Nehrbauer

Class of 2025: Donna Foster, Alex Thompson, Eve Phillips

Class of 2026: Michele Marquart, Lydia Aitcheson, Barb Dexter

Ex officio
Michele Marquart, clerk
Sally Sarkissian, co-treasurer
Alexander Thompson, co-treasurer