
The people of our congregation join together in many capacities to serve the church and the greater community. Whatever your talent, you can find a use for it in our parish and outreach programs.


Serving Our Community


At Resurrection, our Prayer and Care Pantry provides toiletries and hygiene products to more than a hundred households referred to us from Human Concerns and the Salvation Army. We also collect non-perishable food and monetary donations for our Red Wagon program, distributed to the Salvation Army, and we provide Christmas meals and gifts to several families in need annually. To participate in any of these programs, call the office to volunteer 315-343-3501! To help support these activities financially, you may donate to these outreach programs on our Donate page.


Learning Together


We offer weekly Sunday School programs at the nursery, preschool, elementary and intermediate levels in person during the traditional school year. For adults, we offer a Bible Study group that meets via Google meets on Tuesday evenings weekly year round. We also join with other congregations in our diocese’s Learning Community Initiative. As called for, we offer classes for inquirers and for confirmation preparation.


Finding fellowship


We get to know each other through many activities during the year, all announced at weekly services and in the weekly e-newsletter News from the Pews. Besides coffee hour each Sunday, we have annual Harvest Dinners, Pancake Suppers, Parish Picnics and outings, Lenten Luncheons throughout Lent, Nieghborhood Holiday Carols, and Community Concerts.


Building Use


Many groups and organizations in the Oswego community use the church’s Great Hall during the week — for public performances, meetings, training sessions, rehearsals, and other activities. If you’d like to use our building, please contact the office and complete our building use request form.